Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Feelings-can't ignore feelings

I have been itching to blog. I never enjoyed writing as much as I do now. Most of the time, my writing just flows and I can knock out a page in 20 minutes flat. I think that's fast but maybe not. I am better at organizing my thoughts, and expressing my feeling/thoughts, whatever the case may be at the time. I find my self in better balance with my emotions as well. I am not blowing up as easy or at the littlest things. It is amazing what just a little bit of writing can do for someone. One of my assignments when I was in 10th grade was to write for 20 minutes. If I couldn't write anything, I just had to write I couldn't think of anything until I could. I usually only had to write I couldn't think of anything twice and was able to put something down on the paper for the remainder of the time. By just writing I can organize my thoughts and feelings so they are not only understandable to myself but also to others. Just a thought.


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