Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Monday, November 07, 2005

Hello Everybody it is I, Grover

I haven't created the time to get to my blog. Life is so much different than it was just 6 months ago. I miss what I don't have but am happy with what I do have. So many doors have opened for me however it is bitter sweet. I miss my relationship with my soul mate but I know my choice has been for the best. As my sister says to me, no one said life was fun-if they did they are selling you @#$%. Opportunities for school, and a private practice are things on my mind right now. I am having to constantly remind myself that these decisions do not have to be made quickly. I am trusting and praying that God will give me some solid signs to go in the direction he has for me. One of my biggest issues with myself is making impulsive decisions. One of the big ones I made was joining the Air Force. I just signed up and went. I don't believe that my decision to marry the love of my life was an impulsive decision however it could of been for him. So the constant need to wait and see plays a bigger part of my life, as it is now. Just a thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok those are weird comments.

I think our family is not good about patience. Maybe it was created by society or just are reaction to past circumstance. But I have probably had my patience tested so much within the past year it's not even funny. So as I would say to my kid's "practice patience"

8:15 PM  
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2:07 AM  

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