Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


One of my goals in creating this blog was so I could work on my writing skills. I have always wanted to write a book and I am slowly developing those writing abilities to be able to do it. This weekend I wrote a 4 page holiday greeting letter. It was organized, and easy to write. I wrote up a little outline of what I wanted to write about and then I just wrote it. I never thought that writing could be so easy. Some of it is attributed to this blog. I also realized that writing a book is not that hard. The next steps I have to take are to figure out the logistics of who to publish it with and how to get it published. I already have a book idea but I don't want anyone to take it so I can't mention it here now. Lets just say it has to do with parenting. I am hoping where I am working is going to be a good stepping stone to putting this book together. Kind of like a reference for what I am writing. My biggest disadvantage is that I have never had my own kids, so writing about parenting sounds good in theory but is anyone going to take me seriously. I hope so. I did help parent and rear 3 brothers and sisters, which should count for something. Just a thought.


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