Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sometimes you have to got through bad first

Sometimes you have to go through the bad before you can get to the good. I have a couple of job opportunities available to me right now. I have an organization just about ready to offer me a position. It is just waiting on some finger printing I am doing today. I have another organization who has told me I am a strong candidate and who is currently doing a reference check on me to decide. I have a third organization that interviewed me a few weeks back for another position but felt I was over qualified for that position and now wants to interview me for another position. It's all too surreal to know that I am taken care of. My husband's, soon to be ex-husband's financial responsibility to me will soon be up and at that point I should have a job and be able to take care of myself. It is exciting to be able to take care of myself after 5 years of an education (first a bachelors and then pretty much straight into a masters degree). I can't wait to be able to make my own financial decisions without having to kick and scream to be filled in or to know what is going on with money. It is nice to feel like I have some control of the decisions I make for my life. I am also at peace to know that God is in control and is taking care of me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Check us out when you have time! Keep up your blogging it's very good!

10:56 AM  
Blogger JCMasterpiece said...

Well, congratulations on the new job. Glad it's all working out for you

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Romans 8:18
I consider the present suffering isent compaired to the glory that will be revealed in it.

5:15 PM  

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