Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Snow has Begun

November 17, 2005 was the first time that snow fell for the seaon in Monroe County-Rochester, NY. Oh how I am so looking forward to the snow to stop and it hasn't even begun. The season of cold and inside activities is starting. The dogs want to go for walks and I don't want to go out. I would rather sit in front of the tv and watch it. This is almost sounding like a poem. Thanksgiving is approaching fast (tomorrow), I can't believe it. It seems like time is flying by (bad clique). Holidays are usually fun for me. I get to see my cousins, and see the dysfunction in my family firsthand, of which I only hear about during the rest of the year. However I feel bad because this year I won't be able to give gifts due to the change in my finances and needing to fly to Texas to move my stuff. I always liked thinking about what to get people and I just can't this year. I feel bad. I have picked up a good gift giving activity-crocetting-spelled wrong but I don't know how to spell it. I can make scarves but not fast enough. If I am still tight on money, I can do it for next year. I also learned how to make hats. It really isn't hard at all. You use a frame and essentially put the yard together over and under and down the middle of the frame. Its hard to explain. Life is essentially settling down. I feel bored but I think for normal people life is boring. I have to learn to appreciate that bordom. Just a thought.


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