Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Feeling of Love

I have developed feelings for someone, I see on a regular basis. I am having a rough time because this person is a very mellow, emotionally stable person and not someone who is going to get caught up in emotions like I tend to get. I just want to throw it all out to the wind and take my emotions where ever they want to go. I know from previous relationships that it may not be a good way to handle things especially at this time. There are also other factors involved including a large age difference that my aunt and uncle are not so sure about, not being financially independent, and the fact my divorce was just finalized in December. I don't want a rebound relationship. But this guy is different from my ex-husband. This guy is patient, kind, considerate, RESPECTFUL, and is just the sweetest thing around. The respectfulness is the big quality I like. He is not gorgeous or scholarly and I don't have the same feelings I had for my ex-husband at one time that I have with him. The feelings I have seem more stable, comfortable, and permanent. Sometimes I wonder why he hasn't been caught up in marriage at least somewhere down the road. The thing is I don't know much about his personal life but know some of his professional life. I know how he is with me and the activity-dancing-we do together. I am starting to get a glimpse of his emotions and how he handles things when he is not happy with something. He tends to talk about it like he has been offended and questions what has happened when there was no follow through. He has a lot of energy and is a joiner. He want to connect people to other people with similar interests. He is an extrovert and gets along with anyone and everyone. He is such a people person and I am such an introvert who likes people but I like my time to myself as well. He mellows me out. He can do a whole dance without talking and puts me at such ease that I don't feel the pressure to talk either. He leads and I follow. He thinks about what to do next and all I have to do is follow. I make a mistake and he just ignores it and goes on. He makes it easy and comfortable for me. Things I have never experienced with any guy. I just can't wait to see him again in dance class every week. Has this turned into a relationship yet? Yes and No, I know I can count on him being at dance class every week and when he sees me he is happy to see me. He smiles and he rushes me into class when I am late. He picks me to be his partner for the learning part of the class and tends to keep me on the dance floor for most of the songs. He portrays through his body language that he is happy to see me. At this time, this is all I should be pursuing anyways. If it is meant to be God will make it happen in time and when all individuals are ready to deal with it. It is hard for me to keep my feelings in check and I can't make others respond to how I am feeling at my pace. I have to just let it happen. You know what is funny about this whole thing was when I first met him, I didn't necessarily like him. His character has said a lot to my soul. Just a thought.


Blogger In His Steps said...

Christie, you haven't mentioned if this man knows the Lord. I don't mean to be a kill joy but I think that has to be the number one factor for you. The Lord wants the best for you and that is one of His children.

6:40 PM  

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