Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Comfort in Normalcy

I have been relocated for about 4 weeks and am wanting to go back. I don't want to go back to my situation but I want to go back to support. My brother, Jay in his blog, mentioned how support is provided by just presence. Just being with someone is support. I felt a lot of support in TX. I miss my friends, church, and life where I knew my resources and could get the support I needed when I needed it. It seems like where I am now does not have those resources. I called an EAP here and she did not have any referrals for individuals dealing with divorce. However, in TX, I could list about 5 churches with a divorce care group. I have been frustrated trying to find work, frustrated with the lack of some type of counseling type career where I am at. Words like counseling mean social work or counseling psychology. Where I am at is so behind in what other states have for counseling it is pathetic. As a result, I am looking in TX. Please pray for me and what God has for me. I want to do what God has for me because I know that He has my best in mind (Jeremiah 29:11).


Blogger In His Steps said...

I have come to your blog through your brother's blog. I will keep you lifted in prayer. God bless. Kim

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hay I just wanted to get your # and I wasn't sure if I should e-mail or call TX. hope you are doing well hope to call you sso, love ya deb

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

normalcy does provide comfort even if in itself it is not a desireable circumstance, especially when everything is unknown. Hang in there, something great will be provided!

4:15 PM  

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