Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Routine vs. Spontaneity

Life is getting back to normal after vacation. I am getting back to my boring yet embraced routine. It is hard for me sometimes because I view routine as boring and yet I embrace it when I don't have it. The relationship I have with routine is like a love/hate relationship. I want it because it is comfortable and it helps me accomplish things I would otherwise forget however I don't like making lists and planning every little detail. I like some spontaneity. Sometime that spontaneity can be a problem. For example, I went on vacation and drove to visit my family up in the North East. It was decided to drive as far as possible and then get a hotel instead of planning where we were going to stop. Not wanting to plan I did not take in consideration the holiday traffic. When we got as far as possible we couldn't find a hotel. To make matters worse it was my fault for not having planned but I wanted spontaneity. As it ends up we drove all the way through and took power naps between driving rotations. It all turned out fine but wouldn't it have been easier to just have planned. Probably but I like spontaneity. Hence the love/hate relationship continues.


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