Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Something to look forward to

I have finally found something that I enjoy and look forward to doing on a weekly basis. I have been taking group lessons in ballroom dancing. I have been learning things like East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Salsa, among others. I never thought there was that many styles of dancing. It is relatively cheap and the class is pretty balanced between male and female. In fact, I have a pretty steady partner. My partner is always there and has the patience of a saint considering my slow learning of the different steps. I don't know how many times he has had to whisper the steps so I could remember what beat we were on. We had our holiday party last night and on quite a rare occassion I danced with others. Another person I danced with had abrupt moves and seemed real tense however we got the cha-cha down pretty good. I was so comfortable with the steps that it became fun and I actually perspired a little. Imagine that, I wasn't even exercising, I was having fun. I was having so much fun I didn't want to leave. I kept stalling and my regular partner kept bringing me back out on the floor. I didn't get home until 11:00 pm. I can't wait until next week. We will be working on the Waltz-one of the styles I need to work on. Just a thought.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Winter has Arriveddddd

Well it's official the sleet, snow, and hail have arrived in the great state of NY. Of course, also come the morons who have forgotten what snow, and ice are like. On the radio, someone reported many cars in the median of I-90-case in point. It is sad that we, as people, don't learn from past mistakes. We tend to slide off the road despite the fact we have driven in every Winter we could since we got our driver's licence and yet we still slide off the road. Life is like that analogy about sliding off the road. We make mistakes, we ask for grace, and forgiveness but we do it again and again and again. God must be looking down at us from heaven laughing, and wondering how many more times we will do it. I guess God didn't give us the memory to remember not to do it again and again. I greatly appreciate God's grace for me. I know I will make the same mistakes over and over and God doesn't let me get in over my head. I am also secure in knowing that God is in control and thanks to God, I am not. Just a thought.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Curve Ball

Life in general likes to send you a curve ball once in a while. It is looking to see if you are paying attention to what is going on. The rules are the curve ball should never ever be predictable. I should have been divorced by now but (it's a big but) my husband has determined that he is not sure he wants to go through with the divorce. The consequences of this are financially tied and causing me some trouble including having to attend the hearing which I did not have to attend before. What do you do? Unfortunately the judge wants to meet the weekend after I am in Texas. So I get to fly to Texas, two weekends in a row. Yipee-skipee. I feel bad for my aunt and uncle who babysit my dogs because now they will be babysitting for four weekends in a row. Everyone loves to babysit Alex (my Jack Russell), I'm being sarcastic. Life and my husband can't be simple and easy. Drama has to occur around every corner. I don't think I am losing my mind yet. Just a thought.