Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Snow has Begun

November 17, 2005 was the first time that snow fell for the seaon in Monroe County-Rochester, NY. Oh how I am so looking forward to the snow to stop and it hasn't even begun. The season of cold and inside activities is starting. The dogs want to go for walks and I don't want to go out. I would rather sit in front of the tv and watch it. This is almost sounding like a poem. Thanksgiving is approaching fast (tomorrow), I can't believe it. It seems like time is flying by (bad clique). Holidays are usually fun for me. I get to see my cousins, and see the dysfunction in my family firsthand, of which I only hear about during the rest of the year. However I feel bad because this year I won't be able to give gifts due to the change in my finances and needing to fly to Texas to move my stuff. I always liked thinking about what to get people and I just can't this year. I feel bad. I have picked up a good gift giving activity-crocetting-spelled wrong but I don't know how to spell it. I can make scarves but not fast enough. If I am still tight on money, I can do it for next year. I also learned how to make hats. It really isn't hard at all. You use a frame and essentially put the yard together over and under and down the middle of the frame. Its hard to explain. Life is essentially settling down. I feel bored but I think for normal people life is boring. I have to learn to appreciate that bordom. Just a thought.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


One of my goals in creating this blog was so I could work on my writing skills. I have always wanted to write a book and I am slowly developing those writing abilities to be able to do it. This weekend I wrote a 4 page holiday greeting letter. It was organized, and easy to write. I wrote up a little outline of what I wanted to write about and then I just wrote it. I never thought that writing could be so easy. Some of it is attributed to this blog. I also realized that writing a book is not that hard. The next steps I have to take are to figure out the logistics of who to publish it with and how to get it published. I already have a book idea but I don't want anyone to take it so I can't mention it here now. Lets just say it has to do with parenting. I am hoping where I am working is going to be a good stepping stone to putting this book together. Kind of like a reference for what I am writing. My biggest disadvantage is that I have never had my own kids, so writing about parenting sounds good in theory but is anyone going to take me seriously. I hope so. I did help parent and rear 3 brothers and sisters, which should count for something. Just a thought.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Hello Everybody it is I, Grover

I haven't created the time to get to my blog. Life is so much different than it was just 6 months ago. I miss what I don't have but am happy with what I do have. So many doors have opened for me however it is bitter sweet. I miss my relationship with my soul mate but I know my choice has been for the best. As my sister says to me, no one said life was fun-if they did they are selling you @#$%. Opportunities for school, and a private practice are things on my mind right now. I am having to constantly remind myself that these decisions do not have to be made quickly. I am trusting and praying that God will give me some solid signs to go in the direction he has for me. One of my biggest issues with myself is making impulsive decisions. One of the big ones I made was joining the Air Force. I just signed up and went. I don't believe that my decision to marry the love of my life was an impulsive decision however it could of been for him. So the constant need to wait and see plays a bigger part of my life, as it is now. Just a thought.