Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Setting an example

I was reading this morning in my devotions 2 Thessalonians 2 and 3 about standing firm and being able to set an example. In this scripture Paul is writing to the Thessalonians about their good work and persistence in what they believe. Paul continues by warning them that the lawless are out there waiting for the right time and that they, the Thessalonians, need to have discipline and to work together toward God's work. I have always believed in being a good model. I am not a 100% perfect as I do swear sometimes and am not always a great listener in my relationships but I do know from my relationships that actions speak louder than words. I can try to convince people of my opinion about not swearing but if I can not do it myself it means absolutely nothing. I am reminded of the scripture in Matthew (I think) about looking at others and judging the speck in others eye while ignoring the plank in their own. I think that despite these words it is a hard thing to do but if we are willing to look at ourself in the mirror first we could be a better example for others in our life. God's first commandment is to love him, love in the Greek is Agape meaning unconditionally. The second commandment is to love our neighbors, the same word in Greek as the first commandment, Agape. My point being if we can love God, with Agape love, then that love can also be transfered to that love of others. Because we feel that love from God then we can provide that love to others. My challenge love those that are unloveable and live your life according to God and his example for us.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Comfort in Normalcy

I have been relocated for about 4 weeks and am wanting to go back. I don't want to go back to my situation but I want to go back to support. My brother, Jay in his blog, mentioned how support is provided by just presence. Just being with someone is support. I felt a lot of support in TX. I miss my friends, church, and life where I knew my resources and could get the support I needed when I needed it. It seems like where I am now does not have those resources. I called an EAP here and she did not have any referrals for individuals dealing with divorce. However, in TX, I could list about 5 churches with a divorce care group. I have been frustrated trying to find work, frustrated with the lack of some type of counseling type career where I am at. Words like counseling mean social work or counseling psychology. Where I am at is so behind in what other states have for counseling it is pathetic. As a result, I am looking in TX. Please pray for me and what God has for me. I want to do what God has for me because I know that He has my best in mind (Jeremiah 29:11).

Friday, August 12, 2005

Pornography Warning

What a horrible word to hear, and yet we hear or see it every day on our e-mail or on the t.v. at 2:00 am. If only people would or could understand how this can tear up families. Pornography is wrong. It is an inaccurate depiction of what love is supposed to look like, it is a fantasy not real life. Most pornograhy is used with minors who look or have been made to look like a real women. Pornography involves the use of paint brushes to make the individual seem like they are perfect when in fact they are not. Excessive pornography viewing can cause an individual to not be able to make love to a real person. It is like a frog in a slowly heated pot. It slowly gets worse and eventually takes a persons life from them. Pornography is an Addiction. Don't get caught in it.