Christie's Comments

This will basically be used as a comment section in regards to political things happening in the world, and general thoughts.

Location: Rochester, New York, United States

Friday, April 21, 2006

LIfe As It Comes

Life never seems to go the way you want it to. I have so many aspirations and dreams. I want to conquer the world however God seems to have another path. I get so annoyed sometimes when what I want does not coincide with what God is wanting for me. I want things in my time, and under my own conditions. It's my life why can't I just do it my way? I guess I could but then I would suffer a lot more stress and problems than I want to. So what is the best alternative? Should I stop dreaming and just let life happen? I don't think that is what God intended our life to be like. God gave me dreams and aspirations for a reason-I guess I just have to do what I can to follow where God is leading me and to trust that God is going to lead me in a direction that is beneficial for him as well as for me. I have to take life as it comes and be in communication with God that everything will turn out for his glory and my benefit.